The Quality and Environmental Policy of Comercial ULSA, S.A. lays the foundation to provide quality products and services to our customers, and at the same time reinforces our commitment to protect the environment, including pollution prevention.
COMERCIAL ULSA, S.A. adopts, as a strategic policy, seeking the client’s satisfaction through quality products and services, as well as the improvement of our environmental involvement through a quality and environmental policy aimed at our clients, suppliers, shareholders, employees, society and Public Administration.
The management department at COMERCIAL ULSA is responsible of running each service unit, establishing and periodically reviewing quality and environmental targets, in accordance with their situation, in order to guarantee compliance with this policy.
COMERCIAL ULSA assumes, leads and promotes the commitment to Quality and the Environment, providing the necessary resources and establishing the appropriate measures to ensure that this Quality and Environmental Policy is understood and followed by all staff, as well as the commitment to continuous improvement of the integrated quality and environmental management system.
COMERCIAL ULSA, S.A. fully supports the directives emanating from the Quality and Environmental Manual, thus every employee must comply with them, as well as the rest of the applicable requirements, including legal requirements, and is committed to provide whatever means necessary to achieve what is established in this Policy.
To apply this Quality and Environmental Policy, COMERCIAL ULSA, S.A. carries out its Quality and Environmental Management through an Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System that is described in this Manual. This system is based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2015 regulations.